Monthly Archives: May 2014

1-Day Course: Introduction to Permaculture (Oxfordshire: Aug 2014)


COURSE CANCELLED: We are sorry to announce that we have had to cancel this course. Bookings on this particular occasion have been low, likely due to it being August and many people who would want to do the course being away. If you have any questions please get in touch. You can also stay updated with future courses here, and there is also the PAB website. Sorry once again for having to cancel.

Date: Sat 16th Aug 2014
Willowbrook Organic Farm, Hampton Gay, Oxfordshire, OX5 2QQ. UK.
Map: Click here
Times: 10am-6pm

Permaculture is a practical system for sustainable living, based on observing principles and patterns in nature. By maximising relationships in living systems, permaculture has empowered people worldwide to develop dynamic, resilient projects that work with nature, rather than against it. Whatever scale or aspect of human living, whether the home and garden,  community or congregation space, or one’s own life and career, permaculture can be applied to each situation.

This is an interactive taster day outlining permaculture and introducing you to some of the fundamental tools and principles that can be used to design sustainable, resilient projects.

The course content will include:

  • What is permaculture?
  • Introduction to permaculture ethics and principles
  • Nature observation
  • Social permaculture
  • Permaculture as a design system
  • Applying permaculture
  • Next steps

Course Tutors:
Dr Muzammal Hussain (Permaculture Designer & Group Facilitator)
Dr Shumaisa Khan (Permaculture & Sustainability Tutor)

Course fees  £55 standard rate / £45 concessionary rate: e.g. Full time students; On benefits, State pension etc.

Food: Teas will be provided;  Bring snacks to share (if wished) as well as a packed lunch.

This is an introductory day that promises to be fun, educational and transformative. There will be opportunities for networking with other course participants.


To support a rich learning space, we are limiting participant numbers to a small group size. If you know you want to participate on the course, we recommend you book as soon as possible in order to secure your place.

Transport: While we may be able to connect up participants in advance, please be responsible for your own travelling to the farm. If coming by train, bus 25A has worked well before – 10-15 mins walk from Oxford train station. (A bus journey planner is here).  Alternatively, you might want to take a taxi from the train station. Closer to time, we will communicate with all registered participants, so you can choose to meet one another at the station for a joint ride to the farm (about 8 miles or 25 minutes), thus sharing travel costs!

Workshop>> Listening to the Other: The Fertile Ground of Social Diversity: London (Sun 6th July 2014)


We are delighted to be offering this workshop at the London Permaculture Festival. Please join us to explore social diversity and difference – there is that and more at this year’s festival!…

Venue: Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent’s Park Rd, Camden , London, NW1 7AY.
Date: Sun 6th July 2014
Workshop time: 1pm-2.10pm / London Permaculture Festival: 11am-6pm

Tickets £6 waged / £4 unwaged. On the door only: for entrance to the Permaculture Festival: No additional cost for the Workshop!

In developing strength through our diversity, whatever our colour, gender, histories, and religions, it can be helpful to appreciate the ways in which we are all the same.

Yet, by staying only within the comfort zone of our similarities, might we be missing out on the richness that arises from appreciating the reality of our differences?

This workshop is based on the belief that we can each tap into more courage, compassion and skill, enabling us to step beyond our comfort zone to reach out to ‘the other’, helping our relationships and communities to become more conscious, more authentic and consequently more resilient.

Workshop Facilitators: Muzammal Hussain & Shumaisa Khan from Routes of Wholeness


The London Permaculture Festival is a non-profit grassroots event and is one of the largest permaculture events in the country.

With Workshops, Storytelling, Music, Kids Dome & more.

Topics include: Introduction to Permaculture; Big Picture Permaculture – Inspirational projects near and far!; Music and Culture of the Baka, rainforest people of Central Africa – a singing workshop; Permaculture in Pots; Lacto-fermenting with a permaculture twist; Strawbale building; Creating self-watering containers; Natural Beekeeping Trust; Listening to the Other: the fertile  ground of social diversity; Hosting international Convergence 2015; Permaculture Barge Trips along the canal; Aquaponics and Tilapia in my garage; How your Permaculture project could become a LAND centre; Forest Gardens; Seeds of Fashion – growing a London garment; Lets design a Garden City; Moving beyond burning! A close look at Biomass; The Railway Garden – designing a city allotment project; Permablitzing in London; Could your project offer accredited training?; Positive solutions in the Ecuadorean Amazon; Sharing stories: using permaculture; HH-2 compost system; Reportback from Cuba International Convergence

The London Permaculture Festival is a non-profit grassroots event organised by volunteers.

Festival Website/More info: